Axis Bank provide a car loans for waged and self employed individuals, partnership firms and proprietorships. There are some schemes which not required income proof too. Unique schemes are offered for Axis Bank Salary accountholders
Eligibility conditions of Axis Car Loan
1. Age range : 21-65 years(Self employed),21-58 years (Salaried)
2. Work experience : minimum 3 years(Self employed), Minimum 2 years(Salaried)
3. Gross Annual income : Minimum Rs 2 lakhs (Reduced to Rs. 1 lakh for some models)
Details of Axis Car Loan. Use our calculator to compare offers from multiple banks
Interest Rate (Monthly reducing balance) 9.25% fixed to 12% fixed
Processing Fees Up to Rs. 3,860 Nil for Axis Bank Salary account holders
loan Tenure 1 year to 7 years
Pre-closure Charges 5% of pre-closed amount
Guarantor Requirement No guarantor required
Documents :
· Proof of Identity : voter's card or driving licence or PAN card and photograph or Passport
· Proof of Residence : driving license or latest electricity or bill Ration card or passport or most recent credit card bill bank statements or most recent telephone bill
· income proof : Income Tax Returns of last 2 years (Self employed) or recent salary slip with Form 16(Salaried)
- Bank report (not needed for Axis Salary account holders)
- Proforma invoice
- Signature confirmation proof