If you are determined to follow medical later than your + 2, you have to look for admission to the legendary medical colleges as well as institutes. in addition to All India Pre-Medical Dental Entrance Test, (AIPMT) is one such exam all the way through which one can get admission headed for some of the best medical colleges in India. This Pre-medical exam is conducted with the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi.
Eligibility for the Entrance Exam
You must have completed the age of 17 years at the period of admission. The upper age limit meant for All India Pre-Medical /Pre-Dental Entrance Examination exists 25 years. The SC, ST plus OBC students have the advantage of pull out the upper limit to some few more years.
You can come into view in the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination for a maximum of 3 attempts.
Separately from passing Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English, you must protect a minimum of 50% aggregate marks on the +2 examination. The percentage of marks necessary drops to 40% for the SC, ST or OBC students.
If you contain become visible in the +2 examination in 2010, you can sit in the entrance test.
Application Procedure for the All India Pre-Medical Entrance Examination
The Information official statement and Application Form be able to purchased from any of the branches of Canara Bank for Rs.800/- for General/OBC Category and Rs.450/- for SC/ST Category
Education, Delhi along with a Self Addressed Envelope of size 12” x 10”.
For online application, the application is filled online plus the print out is taken.
You should post the form by Speed Post or else Registered Post to Deputy Secretary (AIPMT), Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 301.
The examination fee is paid all the way through a Demand Draft for Rs.850/- for
General/OBC Category and Rs.500/- for SC/ST Category drawn in favour of the Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi, payable on Delhi.
The draft has to be delivering with a Self Addressed Envelope of size 12" x 10".
Application as well could be made online by Credit card, or else all the way through Demand Draft in favour of the Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Delhi. Application Fee is Rs.800/- for General/OBC Category Candidates and Rs.450/- for SC/ST Category Candidates
Entrance Test
In the initial Examination you must have to attend a single paper of 200 objective type questions from Physics, Chemistry as well as Biology.
The period of paper is of 3 hours. subsequent to qualifying in the Preliminary Examination, you appear intended for the AIPMT 2010 Final Exam.
The Final Examination would consist of two papers each one of 2 hours duration. Paper-1 - Physics and Chemistry. Paper-2 - Biology (Botany and Zoology).
You know how to opt for either English or Hindi question paper.
Important Dates for AIPMT 2010
The All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Preliminary Entrance (AIPMT) Examination is held every year on 1st Sunday of April. In the year 2010, the first Sunday falls on 4th April, 2010 which is EASTER SUNDAY. Accordingly, Board has decided to fix the date of Preliminary Stage Examination on 11th April, 2010 (Second Sunday), though the IIT JEE 2010 has been fixed on the same date so the CBSE has rescheduled the AIPMT Preliminary Examination on 3rd April, 2010 (Saturday).
Though the AIPMT Final Examination would be held on 16th May, 2010(Sunday) according to the schedule.
The pattern of AIPMT 2010 for both Preliminary and Final Stage Examinations would be OBJECTIVE.
Related site: www.aipmt.nic.in