Acne Cure Secrets- How to Cure Your Acne

It's embarrassing having acne, especially when you notice that people are joking and staring at them. It's humiliating and can hurt your feelings. Also, trying to get rid of them can be a hassle and frustrating. So, what I'm going to do is share with you some acne cure secrets.

That way, you will have more confidence and clean skin that people will notice.

The acne cure secrets are:

1. Washing your face is the first way to cure your acne. You should wash your face at least twice a day. Make sure you wash your face in the morning and at night before bed. The soap you should use is a glycerin or sorbitol soap. An example of this kind of soap is neutrogena.

2. Another acne cure is to use tea tree oil. You should use tea tree oil after you wash your face. The tea tree oil will help get rid of the bacteria that's on your face that cause acne.

3. Drinking water is another acne cure. You should drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day. Also, be sure to drink one to two cups of water first thing in the morning.

4. Another way to cure your acne is to use apricot juice. Rub apricot juice to your face for ten minutes a day. You can do this everyday or at least until you satisfied with the results.

Make sure you don't touch your face with your hands if they're oily or dirty. This will make your acne worse. Also, during the day, when your gets oily, make sure you wipe your face with facial tissue. You can also wash your face with water to help get rid of the oil.

These are the acne cure secrets. If you have acne, you need to do something about it now. If you wait too long, they could possibly spread over your body, including your back and chest.

facial tissue:

Facial tissue and paper handkerchief refers to a class of soft, absorbent, disposable papers that is suitable for use on the face. They are disposable alternatives for cloth handkerchiefs. The terms are commonly used to refer to the type of paper tissue, usually sold in boxes, that is designed to facilitate the expulsion of nasal mucus from the nose although it may refer to other types of facial tissues including napkins and wipes.

Facial tissue is often referred to as a "tissue", or by the genericized trademark "Kleenex" which popularized the invention and its use.

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