The information highway, especially online, is loaded with all kinds of answers to find an acne cure. You will see everything from someone giving you 12 steps to get rid of your acne in 3 hours to someone else telling you to put mud on your face and the next morning your acne will be gone.
So what is the real truth about finding an acne cure?
Everyone believes they have the answer. But is that the truth? Well, sometimes it is and sometimes what they are selling or trying to get you to believe has some validity to it. But most times, it's a bunch of words used to fill up a page.
Is there really such a thing as an acne cure?
Not in the way that you think. But even with that being so, the answer is yes! There is an acne cure but it takes a bit of time and consistency. Unfortunately, there isn't an absolute, bonafide miracle drug, cream or cleanser on the market just yet, but I have high hopes that there will be. Until then, be logical; use common sense. Your acne starts inside your body not on the outside of your body, so to help this condition and find an acne cure, you really should start from the inside out.
Where do I begin to find an "inside out" acne cure?
If you follow the advice below, you will get rid of your acne and it will stay away.
1. A Diet for acne - Yes, unfortunately, this is on the top of our list. Many will tell you that eating fried chicken and chocolate sundaes do nothing to contribute to your blemishes and you can find an acne cure without giving these up.
No matter what anyone says, including a dermatologist, eating like this and trying to find an acne cure is almost impossible, unless you take antibiotics or some other strong internal medication. Even then, when you get off of them, the acne comes back.
Include in your diet, Vitamin A, E, Selenium and Zinc. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and add some good fiber to your diet also. Drink plenty of water. This will set up an environment in your body to be able to counteract the bacteria that is causing your acne and prohibiting you from finding an acne cure. And as an extra bonus besides having beautiful, glowing skin you will feel better also!
2. Use correct medications - Make sure that when you purchase over the counter medications, cleanses and creams that you are aware of exactly what you are buying. If not, ask for help or go online before you go to the store and get reviews on certain products. Make sure you are aware of your skin type: oily, dry or normal. Also, be aware if you have any allergies to products. When looking for these products to find an acne cure, read the labels and try to get products that are as natural as you can find. Lastly, check the ingredients and buy the product that has the highest percentage of benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid. They are two of the most effective ingredients to find an acne cure.
3. Try herbal and homeopathic remedies - Alternative therapies, medicines and remedies can be amazing when it comes to finding an acne cure. And they do not harm your health. But remember, when you are dealing with this kind of remedy, it is a hit or miss situation. It may take time to find what works perfectly with you and your skin type. But it is well worth spending the time because more than not, you will find an acne cure for life.
Follow the above plan and you will find an acne cure and in the short run, get your condition totally under control. If you cannot follow the above regimen your condition worsens see your family doctor or a dermatologist. The longer you leave your acne unchecked the more chance you are taking to have acne scars which can be permanent.
human skin:
The skin is the on the outside covering of the body. In humans, it is the major organ of the integumentary system made up of several layers of ectodermal tissue, as well as guards the underlying bones, ligaments, muscles and internal organs. Human skin is alike to that of most other mammals apart from that it is not protected by a pelt as well as appears hairless though in fact nearly all human skin is covered with hair follicles. There are two universal types of skin, hairy plus glabrous skin. The adjective cutaneous literally resources "of the skin" (from Latin cutis, skin).
for the reason that it interfaces by the environment, skin plays a type role in protecting (the body) against pathogens. and excessive water loss. Its other functions are temperature regulation, insulation, sensation, synthesis of vitamin D, moreover the protection of vitamin B folates. harshly damaged skin will try to heal by forming scar tissue. This is frequently discolored and depigmented.
In humans, skin pigmentation differ among populations, moreover skin type be alive capable of range from dry to oily. Such skin variety profers a well-heeled as well as diverse habit for bacteria which number roughly a 1000 species as of 19 phyla.